Léo Learning

Learn, share, succeed with Léo Learning.

BDE & Clubs écoles

WHO ARE WE? Need help with your studies? Léo Learning offers tutoring sessions every week! Want to share your knowledge and help others? Become a tutor at Léo Learning!

WHO ? Léo Learning is the support and tutoring association of our school. Comprising numerous dedicated tutors, we form a solid and dynamic team committed to assisting each student in their academic journey. Through personalized tutoring sessions and collaborative workshops, we provide tailored support to meet individual needs, fostering success and growth for all. Together, we build a learning community where everyone can thrive and achieve their goals.

FIGURES: Last year, more than 400 hours of tutoring sessions were conducted!

LEO DATA: All past exam papers from first to third year ! Complete answer keys. Visit LeoData:
