

💻 About Us

Founded in 2017, DigiTeam is the ideal club for all IT, digital, and tech enthusiasts at the University Campus. Our mission? To assist students and faculty with their IT issues, whether they're related to hardware or software. But we’re more than just troubleshooting! DigiTeam is, above all, a close-knit community organized into three main areas:

🔧 Support Division

Comprised of skilled students, this division handles repairs and technical interventions. Whether you need help setting up software, fixing a computer, or solving a network issue, our team is here to assist you.

📢 Communication Division

Responsible for managing our online presence, this division shares the latest news about the association through our website and social media channels.

🎉 Events and Partnerships Division

In addition to offering IT-related activities, this division organizes integration weekends, after-work events, and other gatherings that strengthen the bonds between members while sharing our passion for digital technology. It also maintains constant communication with our partners, including Corsair, to ensure effective and dynamic collaboration.

In Conclusion

By joining DigiTeam, you can not only benefit from our training sessions and outings but also share your passion with other members. And if you want to get more involved, you’re more than welcome to join one of our divisions!

📍 Contact Us

Visit us at our office, located in the lounge area (le foyer) right across from the student office (BDE), or reach out to us through our website at www.digiteamdevinci.com.